It is possible that you have heard about it because, when its side effects were known, the information related to this powerful drug went viral.If you still do not know it, in this article we will talk about it and try to give you some data that allow you to know a little more about the context in which this drug is currently being used.
Krokodil and the «new zombies»
Last December the well-known El Espectador publication announced that the drug was approaching Colombia along a route that included Russia (where it originated from), the United States and Mexico.Above all it was alarming the fact that it was so cheap , as a gram would be costing between 2 and 3 dollars, which would make it accessible to a large number of people.In this situation, various warnings were issued by the Central Corporation of Consultoria del Conflict Urbano, C-3, of the capital Antioquia.
This news also announced the powerful and spooky effects of the drug , which have resulted in its consumers being known as the " new zombies" .But what exactly is this drug? What are the secondary effects? We'll talk about all this in the following paragraphs.
"Krokodil" means crocodile in Russian and has that man because of the way he leaves his skin
First of all we will focus on the one that Krokodil, which means crocodile in Russian, is a drug that is mainly composed of phosphorus, codeine, thinner and alcohol although they are not the only chemical substances that it integrates.
Krokodil is considered a semisynthetic opioid that is obtained from desomorphine and is 10 times more potent than morphine itself .It acts similarly to how heroin does in the brain and is made in a homemade way The origin of its name has to do with the aspect in which it leaves the skin after being injected, which somehow has similarity to the skin of the crocodile.
Another important fact is that it began to be booming when Russia suffered heroin shortages, in 2012, a year that coincides with the decline in opium production in Afghanistan, that is, Krokodil was an attempt by addicts to find an alternative in the absence of heroin.
Side effects of krokodil
Its side effects are really alarming because this drug causes rapid deterioration of the organism from the inside out causing serious injuries and can even cause the death of a person in just two years of continued consumption, unlike other drugs that consume the body and kill in a longer period of time.Second Luis Guillermo Pardo, president of the C-3, nor the own 'combos 'As they are referred to in the publication, which illegally exercise territorial power in some areas, they want Krokodil to circulate through their territories, so the issue is more worrisome than it seems.
The drug, at enter the body, as it cannot being completely dissolved in it, it is producing accumulations that move towards different places of the body where they begin to damage the tissues and create horrible wounds.Hence it is understood that it is known as a drug that kills from within Next, a video with some images that show the effects described above. CAUTION: Shocking images.
Other effects may be thrombosis, gangrene in areas where the drug was injected, loss of limbs, pneumonia, liver failure, skin infections that reach the bones and personality changes , among many others equally serious.
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