The ocean is a place as fantastic as unknown to man, in fact, we know much more about space than the depths of the sea, although over time we have been finding out more and more about what lives beneath the surface.It is also an unfinished investigation, which gives us to think about magical, almost mythological issues, such as giant squid or Craquen himself, which over time are discovered not as fanciful as we thought.Well, among those fantastic animals is the Leon mane jellyfish, the largest species of jellyfish known so far and that has not stopped being great news on social networks for its spectacular characteristics.
Well , we have to tell you, in advance, that the discovery of the lion's jellyfish jellyfish is not a thing of yesterday or the day before yesterday, this species has been known for a long time.However, from Science Daily Online we were investigating its characteristics a little teristicas and we were quite impressed , which is why we wanted to make an article about these beautiful marine animals, so that you find out how fascinating they are, and why they are called lion's mane jellyfish.
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The lion-head jellyfish, gigantic and dangerous
Those who have been lucky enough to contemplate the jellyfish mane de leon (Cyanea capillata), affirm that it is a unique spectacle.For a moment you get to have the clear feeling that you are facing a being from another world, of another wonderful dimension where the strange thing is the common denominator, especially if the time to extend their tentacles to you in a dance dotted with shapes and colors. It is, indeed, the largest jellyfish of our oceans, a huge being that can even be measured hand in hand with the great blue whale. But, alert !, be careful, do not let yourself be dazzled by the enormous beauty of the lion's mane jellyfish, because you could be immobilized from one moment to another, not just pure embeleso, but by the dangerous sting of this creature, one of the greatest beings of our ma res.
There are legends among fishermen who speak of authentic sea monsters of six-meter-diameter heads with 100-meter tentacles, almost supernatural beings that rise up like fierce hunters.They extend their tentacles by injecting their paralyzing venom , suffocating his victims immediately to devour them.
1.Characteristics of the lion mane jellyfish
The lion mane jellyfish is among the most curious animals on earth.from the beginning: its full name, with all its letters, is the lion's mane jellyfish of the Arctic, which does not mean, however, that we cannot find it in the Pacific Ocean or in the majestic Atlantic, but it is more frequent find them deep in the Arctic.These jellyfish, at least as far as the not-so-small knowledge of man reaches, are the largest known so far, and his head can reach three meters in diameter, a measure not exceptional in these creatures Don't you think so huge? Calm, now that the good is coming: we already talk to you about the head, but it turns out that what characterizes the jellyfish are precisely the tentacles, and in the case of this kind of jellyfish these ramifications can easily reach 60 meters, which puts her to compete with the blue whale for the position of the largest animal in the ocean.
Let's see, let's see, that must have surprised you a bit, right? But well, there is still more: It turns out that this powerful animal is, in addition, practically hermaphroditic, or, at least, it has in itself everything it needs for reproduction : this species of jellyfish inseminates itself itself and reproduces without the need of a companion, another of the exceptional characteristics of this animal.
Are you still not impressed? Well, now if we go with everything: this jellyfish has eight lines, each with about 100 tentacles, that is, about 800 tentacles in total, which, when moving with the tide, resemble the mane of a lion, which gave it its name, jellyfish jellyfish, one of the most fascinating characteristics of these creatures. And it is that they are not only the amount of tentacles, which has them too much, but also the colors that they can adopt , and that travel through the spectrum of different shades, which makes running into one of these creatures a carnival of beautiful colors.
But are there any like in the legends? Are there those lion mane jellyfish with a head of six meters in diameter and more than 100 in the tentacles? In such an exaggerated size, the truth, there is no record, although it would not be too strange that they existed in the unknown depths of the ocean.
The natural habitat of this great animal is found in the Abyssal depths of the ocean, more specifically the Antarctic, the Pacific and the Atlantic. However, they can also be seen on the surface, even if it is somewhat strange.It is common only in jellyfish mane of old lion, which they leave the depths of the ocean to die, a behavior that until now experts have failed to explain and that if They are currently investigating.
But, and at such depth, what do they feed on these animals? Well, the truth is that lion's mane jellyfish are not alone in the deep sea, although they are not struggling too much to get food: their food is plankton, some small fish and even other types of jellyfish. In truth, the lion's mane jellyfish are opportunistic animals, if we want to give them this human characteristic, they feed basically on what they find along the way, in order to perpetuate the species.
3.New Encounters
Recently the lion's mane jellyfish have become news because, in an increasingly recurring way, they have been seen wandering along coasts where they were never seen before or luckily. From 2018 has been seen on French coasts and English waters , which has caused the concern of experts and tourists, as it is not a normal matter to find them in these waters.
Is there any explanation for this fact? At the moment, experts have not ruled anything, although there are those who have dared to speculate that this may be due to new exploitation of the waters of the Antarctic ocean , which has made the lion's mane jellyfish they are forced to abandon their habitat and seek luck in other lands, or other waters, rather, in view of the fall of food in their natural habitat.However, these are, at least until now, only speculation.
It is difficult, in any case, to think that an animal like this can be forced to leave by some other predator, after all not only its size is threatening, but also its powerful tentacles, which they are able to paralyze anyone. Now, the question remains, their bites being so large and so lethal, could these encounters with lion's jellyfish in new waters mean a threat to man? Let's examine the risks.
4.Dangers of jellyfish jellyfish
Perhaps the most dangerous encounter between a lion's mane jellyfish and men it was that of the year 2010, when in Rye, United States, in a warm morning, perfect for going to take a dip in the sea, more than 150 tourists were terrified of the water after suffering multiple bites. About 150 people are no small matter, so the authorities were immediately alarmed and an exhaustive investigation was initiated: it was believed, in advance, that it was a swarm of jellyfish jellyfish, which, after all, were not strange on those coasts, although seeing them together if it was something completely new.
The suspicion was confirmed soon, because al ha close the analysis of the poison found in the skin of the people attacked, it was found that it was the typical poison of a lion's mane jellyfish.However, after an arduous investigation the theory of a massive attack of this species on men fell: it had been a single jellyfish that had caused such a stir , and not even a living one, but a poor jellyfish that, once dead, had disintegrated in the ocean, defragmenting into tens, hundreds of pieces that, even without life, They were still dangerous.
However, let's not be too alarmed by this anecdote, after all it is the worst case in history, and as far as it is known there were no deaths.Does this mean that the jellyfish Lion's mane are not dangerous? Oh, you don't have to trust it too soon: the marks that these bites leave on your skin look like fire whips, and the burning they leave on the body can persist for a long time. In fact, if we stay trapped in his tentacles for a long time could be deadly, since his tentacles have millions of stinging cells filled with poison next to a small dart called nematocysts.
However, it is not necessary to be alarmed too much Well, an ordinary man who does not suffer from any special condition is likely to get hit from an inadvertent encounter with a lion jellyfish , beaten, we said, wounded can serve as a synonym, but rarely dead, that these mortal encounters are not usually for either one or the other.So, if for a strange thing, for one of those hazards of life or for the simple madness of the world you run into a lion's mane jellyfish, then calm down , but also Sanity: Get out of there as you can and do not go to be enthralled for a long time, that these creatures are beautiful, yes, but not harmless.
So far what we had to tell you about this fascinating creature.that you liked this article, since in Science Daily Online we always strive to give you the best material.Do you have anything to add to this note? Have you had any experience with a lion mane jellyfish? Be sure to tell us in the comments, we will be looking forward to reading you!
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