We are all questioned at any given time, and there are no absolute truths...In this case it is up to Newton.Isaac Newton is one of our favorite characters, we already dedicate another article «The strangest inventions of Isaac Newton» and it is This time we present you with a no less surprising article.A highly reputable Hindu scientist, Madhavan Nair, states that the theory of gravity was already in the scriptures that preceded Hinduism.Curious, right?
Madhavan Nair
Madhavan Nair is a Hindu researcher , former president of the Space Research Organization of India (ISRO) He was one of the promoters of one of the summit events in the history of the Science of India: In 2008 his country managed to reach the moon and place in it a vehicle painted with the colors of the Hindu flag.
Now Nair surprises again with some amazing statements.Segun says, in the script ituras Vedic that preceded Hinduism there are references to different events about phenomena such as the gravitational force among others, which would appear many centuries later.
And the Vedas are a great source of knowledge from which the West should learn, says Madhavan Nair.
And what are the Vedas?
Veda literally means « knowledge »and are the 4 oldest books of Indian literature, the basis of what was the Vedic religion.A very intellectual religion in which the priests were the largest group in the community and a cult that escaped simple people.In addition, their rites were of fundamental importance to ensure peace and justice.
The vedas were written between 2500 and 2700 BC, although Hinduists attribute even greater antiquity.4 vedas were: Rik, Yaju, Sama and Atharba.
- Rik .The oldest one, contained poems about nature, prayers and instructions for rituals.
- The Atharba. The next in antiquity, magic formulas, blankets and prayers to the untouchables, make up this closure.
- SamaVeda It is a selection of poems and hymns of the Rik, in addition to containing other own parts.
- Atharba .Versa about the activities of the Priest.
The importance of India in Science
India has played an important role in the world of Science.Under the Western perspective, many times in the collective imaginary the great discoveries are attributed always European scientists, but the fact is that there are p ersonajes like Aryabatha, that show us that this is not always the case.Aryabatha is considered the first math and astronomer of the classical era of India.A wise person who investigated the planets , who anticipated Pitagoras, who worked on the approximation of the number " pi ", found solutions for the indeterminate equations of the first degree and elaborated trigonometric tables .
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Image: Luca Argalia, Diego Munoz, Borayin Maitreya Larios
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