If you have seen the series "Better Call Saul" and you will know what it means to suffer from electromagnetic hypersensitivity .Little by little it is increasingly visible and evident, but even so, there is no lack of voices that affirm that such a disease does not exist, and in reality, it is in the minds of the people affected.
To get an idea of what it is, imagine experiencing the worst migraine of your life every day.Imagine that only you find relief, as you move away from urban centers and all mobile phone antennas.The truth is that something like that is almost inconceivable to most of us, so attached to the Internet, to our mobile phones , to our computers and to that exciting sound every time we receive a new message.
All this, for this young Briton, is little more than torture, hence he has been forced to retreat to the forest more isolated, there where electromagnetic waves cannot make you experience that terrible tortu So difficult to explain.
Phil Inkley, the hermit of the forests of England
Phil Inkley worked as a sound technician .He was also responsible for installing electronic devices, to repair computers for family and friends.At first, when the Internet was not "large-scale" in every home, its discomforts were more or less bearable.
He had migraines and dizziness, and he palliated the symptoms with a secondary treatment without knowing the origin of his ailment.Now, as the Wi-Fi network became more and more extensive and daily, his life was changing radically:
- He felt irritable, in a bad mood
- Physical exhaustion caused him to lose his job.
- He had a strong pressure on his temples, palpitations and hot flashes.
- Dizziness, fainting
- Vomiting
- Nasal hemorrhages
It was a doctor who finally informed him of what was happening to him: electromagnetic hypersensitivity.Now, if the doctors gave him the diagnosis, what society offered him was rejection and skepticism.And even more , from the WHO itself accepts the existence of these symptoms and this ailment, but warns of the need to first rule out psychiatric problems.
And indeed, both friends and former coworkers thought that in reality what happened to Phil was that he suffered a simple depression.How to imagine that certain electromagnetic fields can cause damage as shocking as nosebleeds ?
There are more sensitive people than others, and Phil Inkley's case is serious .In fact, the flickering lights of any mobile or computer screen already cause pain head.
The worst for Phil came when after the hemorrhages, the seizures already appeared, it was impossible even to get out of bed. He was able to contact the «Health Protection Agency», and after several notices seeking help, or at least some information about what he could do, he only received one recommendation: if he suffered from hypersensitivity to electromagnetic radiation, the best thing he could do was get away from any urban nucleus.
He was recommended exile.
Our protagonist could not believe it.His situation was almost the same as that of anyone affected by a nuclear war. He lives in a basement, his bunquer particular .Was that how institutions reacted to that reality, to any person affected by the same problem? ma?
If the solution was exile, Phil Inkley preferred him to have to live in the darkness of a basement, and he has done so, he lives in his caravan, moving through the British countryside and moving away from every urban nucleus. It carries a mobile phone, and it also has a computer , because after all it must remain united to the world, to its family...to its friends.From time to time it approaches a few minutes to some village in search of food, and take the opportunity to talk with yours.Supporting headache and dizziness.
Short conversations for someone who already feels marginalized, a renegade of a society that rises on that kind of energy, waves and devices that take his life...
Can you imagine what it would be like to live this way? Don't forget to give us your opinion in this regard, and remember, if you liked this article, discover also 5 super strange allergies.
Image: Calvin Merry, vaXzine
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