In Science Daily Online we love the mysteries and some time ago we talked about a very special one: The Overtoun bridge and canine suicides.In it we told you how in the last 50 years more than 100 dogs had killed themselves on that Victorian bridge built by Lord Overtoun.The stone railing was missing and 15 meters fell more down to the river bed Clyde.
The locals, it is not known if in their quest to increase tourism , they ran spooky stories .they talked about a man who, thinking that his baby was the antichrist , approached the bridge to throw him away, trying to commit suicide later.After this event evil beings were hanging around there attracting the empty to the poor dogs that, more sensitive than humans to them, could not resist.Other related the bridge with ancient Celtic legends.In short, the mystery was not solved and the p erros were still committing suicide in it.Now we can say that the puzzle is solved and that it is not supernatural.
The data and the solution
To solve the mystery David Sands carried out a investigation worthy of Sherlock Holmes.He gathered the following data:
Only dogs labradors, collies and golden retrievers
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