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The amazing ass of the Nazi Minions

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The truth is that We do not understand very well why he likes to spread fakes so much, and sensational bulos with which to impact Internet users.Often, he plays with sensationalism, fashions, and above all, with emotions of people.

However, on other occasions, a simple joke that any person publishes in their own social profiles for their friends , can also shoot like dust without the author can already have control.What one leaves in these cyber media is sometimes an impact mine that can explode in the least thoughtful moment.

What happened to the Nazi Minions is a curious example that many of our readers will know.If you have not heard, Blar of it, we hope to at least get a smile at these inexplicable events that arise almost every day.

Are you with us?

The amazing hoax of the Nazi Minions

The news that turned on social networks last July, and that gave Google a record of more than 10,000 searches , was the following:

"The helpers of Gru, my favorite villain, are based on a real fact.They were Minions (from the German" minion "=>» minion ") Jewish children adopted by Nazi scientists for their experiments, and which, they spent much of their lives in suffering.»

We will point once more, and just in case, that is just a creepypasta , those phenomena that We like them so much, that they scare us sometimes, and that, in turn, so much stir often raises among Internet users, sometimes raising real confrontations.In fact, this is what happened to the person who wrote this joke on his facebook profile .Within a few hours and without waiting for the titanic diffusion, hundreds of people were already threatening him.

The amazing ass of the Nazi Minions

To the text, the top photo you can see was added, which, indeed, It immediately reminds us of the friendly yellow-shaped characters, and banana lovers that I believe Illumination Entertainment with immense success.Now...were those characters in this photo children tortured during World War II? Not at all, to begin with, it should be noted that they were not children, but British soldiers, adults of the Royal Navy Submarine , practicing some immersion and rescue maneuvers.

This image is up to date today at the Royal Navy Submarine Museum in the United Kingdom, and as we can see, it is a window to direct and not without curiosity, towards 1908 .The Second World War was still too far away.

Now, there is another fact that we have to take into account.The minions and children of the Nazis are not new.The Facebook user who published this fake with his friends, knew in advance the joke that was made on YouTube in 2014 .To our surprise, the video itself accumulated more than 6 million views, was shared worldwide and thousands and thousands of comments were thrown, debates , jokes, threats, criticism and serious anger.

Let's not forget that one of the most striking-and disconcerting-arguments that this news reported is that the children of these experiments, that is to say , the minions, ended up having a shrill and shrill voice because of the terrible tests and torture to which they were subjected.

Some people argue that this kind of thing would not happen if All of us would have a "little culture", but we must not reach these opinion points either.We are usually habitual tenants of the Internet world, we also want to learn and discover new things.There are many aspects of history that we all do not know, nobody has an absolute knowledge of all things , from there, that sometimes we end up falling into events like this.

We have all been happened to everyone, we have all been shared with false information that has impacted us for a moment, until Little, we briefly contrast the information and discover the hoax, the fake, the creepypasta.All these teach us perhaps to be prudent and cautious .Not to lose our critical sense.

To conclude, you may be wondering at this moment if the word minion comes from the German and really means a minion.Well, by briefly we will tell you that in English it brings us the image of a servant delivered and loyal. In French, meanwhile, this word comes from the French « mignon» , which means 'loyal servant'.

Those responsible for the films simply tell us that a minion is a type of creature that lives to serve his master , and whose degree of delivery makes him arrive in oc Asions, to become a true minion or henchman of his master.

And now tell us, did you already know this bulo? What other fakes have caught your attention this year?


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