It may sound apocalyptic and somewhat tremendous, but what would you do if your doctor told you that you can only reach 100 orgasms throughout the rest of your life? This is the news that an anonymous patient received with RLS initials, it is known that he is young and that his life, is already mired in a distressing back account.
We tell you his curious story.
Fear of the account back
Everything is due to a very specific ailment.Your name? Peyronie's disease.To understand the incidence of this problem, we must remember that the penis has three basic structures: two corpora cavernosa and a spongy part that covers the urethra.There are no muscles.And the erection is achieved precisely by fill these cavernous bodies with blood.
But sometimes, these spongy parts become stiff and fibrous.There is no elasticity, and then several things can happen: a deviation or curvature of the member when it is erect, or simply, that the erection does not occur.And this is precisely what is happening to our protagonist.
He may have arrived this point you ask yourself: And how is it that something so intimate has become evident? The incidence of this disease is quite low among the population, so the patient wanted to give his testimony through a letter to the magazine «Brobible». His life is not easy, after his urologist told him that of "Your penis is getting cold, you have about 100 orgasms" , his life is veiled with darkness and discouragement.
To understand it, you have only put yourself in their place.You should not waste them with masturbations, every intimate relationship you have should be very careful and special, with someone who is really worth it and with whom you can keep a good memory. Our protagonist still He has no children, so the dilemma is multiple...and time goes by against him.Right now he suffers numerous problems since between despair and discouragement, all his relationships Affective are a real disaster.
Although we have to make an important nuance.Since publishing his letter, many urologists have contacted him to make it clear an important aspect: The last 100 orgasms It's a great nonsense. No one can give you an exact number , it's like trying to calculate the days left for a dying person.They can be many more…. or even a few less.
And now tell us what would you do in your case? If you liked this article, discover also 10 reasons why you deserve to have sex every day.
Image: Carlos Varela, Borja Rodriguez Llorca, Gerardo Diego Ontiveros
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