Have you heard of the Rainbow Grapes? Fascinating bunches of different colors that have attracted the attention of the entire internet for their particular beauty. Sure, we had already seen the red, wine, green or purple grapes, but, rainbow? In Science Daily Online this we I grab a surprise, but not unprepared, so when we found out immediately we began to investigate everything we could about the rainbow grapes and we summarize it in an article so that you find out everything you have to know about it.
You may have heard of them or even that your eyes have once blinked in amazement at that festival of suggestive colors in a single bunch of grapes. But, are they a real variety that we can find in stores? And, if they are, where can we buy them? Would it be possible to include them in our end of the year parties in order to accompany each bell with a grape of different color? Read on to discover these and other things about these strange grapes that have conquered the internet.
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What are Rainbow Grapes?
The truth is that the images that have conquered the internet recently seem more like a fiction than a reality, maybe a photo retouched with PhotoShop or some gadget, but the truth is that we all have been doubted at least a little. That is, rainbow grapes? Are real? Surely there are many times that you have stumbled upon these suggestive images.They look like forbidden fruits, just by imagining a field of grapevine up to the top of this type of grapes, tales like Alice in Wonderland .
The truth is that the theme of rainbow grapes is half true or, if you prefer, a partial lie wrapped in a little "urban legend" that has gained quite popularity recently.Want to know the mystery of rainbow grapes? Read on, here we unveil it.
1.The mystery of the Rainbow Grapes
Are there rainbow grapes? Yes, they do exist.However, we warn you that you should not get excited yet, as beautiful as these fruits look, to try them for sure they will spit out immediately, because these famous grapes have nothing delicious.On the other hand, the truth is that they have little unusual and mysterious. The truth is that rainbow grapes are nothing more than ordinary grapes in the ripening stage , which is why if you tried them you wouldn't like them a bit: it would be like eat an unripe avocado, or a green cambur.
By the way, taking advantage of the fact that we are talking about grapes, we warn you that these fruits are among the things that your dog should never eat.
So, why hadn't we seen these grapes before? For the simple reason that nobody sells grapes that have not matured, however, it is a certainty that these images of the so-called rainbow grapes have conquered the internet, at least for the brief moment that the mediatic boom in the algorithms last of Google and in people's memory. How did it happen? Well, surely because of the vision of a photographer who came across these branches and wanted to photograph them for purely aesthetic reasons, and then others who followed him and then others who armed the myth of these delicious and exclusive fruits and, finally, hundreds , thousands and even hundreds of thousands who believed in this and shared it.
In conclusion, the mystery of rainbow grapes lies in the hobby of those who love photography and nature, and in some chance that went viral. Surely you even photograph those trees that, with the arrival of the autumn, are dressed in fascinating colors, while some let their leaves fall to their skirts or on the floors of our forests or cities , others shine with ocher, garnet and striking brown tones.with the grapes, which are colored in a process known as the envero, and which offers the explanation behind all this great mystery.
2.The envero
The grapes undergo a ripening stage better known as "envero", a fascinating period because of the different colors that the clusters become.During this ripening period, the grapes change their pigmentation, so that, by For example, if the grape variety is white, it will go through a color that will go from green to yellow.On the other hand, if it is red grapes, the color will run between attractive green hues, then light red, to a more intense one until we derive in the classic strong purple so attractive to our eyes and delicious to our palate.
The envero is a festival of colors in the vine fields, where you can observe those immature grapes that still maintain their dark green tones, with a very hard texture.Little by little, the sun goes through their bodies to give them more sweetness and of new colors, that go from the yellow ones to the pink ones, from the light green ones to the purple ones. The envero ends when the cluster is completely mature, moment in which we will be able to hold in our hands that natural treasure in which All grapes already shine with the same color, turning off the mystery of rainbow grapes.
The famous rainbow grapes are therefore not a variety of grapes.At all, is just a natural process that many sommeliers love to observe to intuit how the wine harvest of that year will be, and that it became popular on the internet causing great expectations.
3.A popular image on the internet
So, we reiterate: unlike the square watermelon, the rainbow grapes do not they exist as a kind of grape, and we reiterate it because there have been cases of people who sell these supposed seeds online by believing that they are "hybrid grapes", unique varieties that will decorate our gardens and delight us with its flavor in our dishes.And it is not true, just as many of the images that circulate through the network are not absolute truths either, since they are digitally altered to exaggerate the colorations, when they are not altered from the approach and the frame to make us see other things.The envero is undoubtedly the best time of the year to take pictures of the grape clusters on its vine, but the spectacle is not as fanciful as they make us believe.Still, it is worth seeing.
Do they exist? Yes, they exist, but they are not a variety of grapes, as we explained above, although it is completely normal if you fell into confusion.After all, not for free there is the saying "A picture is worth a thousand words". So we are the men, especially in this age of the Internet in which we are all interconnected and have access, now more than ever, to what happens in all the ends of the earth.That leads us to believe sometimes in impossible, or in things that We consider them to be true simply by seeing an image that proves it to us or, at least, makes us believe that it proves it.
However, at least as far as this case is concerned, many times it can be about urban myths , photographs that became popular and in which a story that could be beautiful was built, but that in the background turns out to be pure fantasy.Yes, rainbow grapes are an excellent example of the credulity that we sometimes result in this era that, more than information, it belongs to disinformation On urban myths, question is what should call us to reflection on whether we should believe in everything we see , especially if we do not know the origin of what is shown on the screen.
After all, rainbow grapes are nothing but an innocent myth, but, what would happen if the images were used to manipulate our vision of life? What would happen if Will they use to make us believe in things that are not real? Is this a simple warning or is it something that already happens in our daily lives? These are questions that we should be questioning at this moment, after everything we believe defines us, and those who know how to make us believe or disbelieve things define us.Luckily, in human beings doubt remains, there is latent, and only need to exercise it with good judgment to break down the walls that we want to impose.
Solved this mystery, we invite you to find out why we drink grapes with the twelve bells.The lesson of the day? Well, before believing, doubt, investigate and ask us, after all here at Science Daily Online we are always attentive to resolve your concerns and nobody as interested as we are to get to the bottom of matters like these.
We hope you You liked this article.Do you know anything else about the myth of rainbow grapes? Would you like to add something to this article? Leave us your answer in the comments, we will be looking forward to reading you!
If you liked this article, do not miss either The benefits of drinking red wine, why not too much blue foods abound and do not stay without discovering these fruits that surely you did not know (and if they really exist).
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