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Italian scientists Minetti, Ivanenko, Cappellini, Dominici and Lacquaniti deserve a prize for an experiment worthy of superheroes: for the first time they used a mathematical model to predict that human beings would be able to walk on water in reduced gravity , and then tested it using special shoes and a pool for children!
There is a place where you could walk on water
Jesus walking on water is one of the best known miracles of the New Testament. This story tells how the disciples saw Jesus walking on the Sea of Galilee, something that many people have tried to imitate, failing.Despite the many "fakes" we can find on the Internet, human beings are apparently unable to walk or run on water, BUT (yes, for once a "but" is welcome! ) If this act is executed in a place with water in reduced gravity if.
In 2012, scientists conducted a study to predict the levels of severity in which human beings could walk on water. They used special harnesses to simulate reduced gravity, and also equipped themselves with fins for their feet, successfully walking on water.
On Earth only a few species Like water wading insects, some waterfowl and lizards, you can run over the water..For most other species, including humans, this is impossible due to the size and proportions of the body, lack of adequate appendixes, and limited muscle power, however, if the severe d is reduced to less than that of the Earth, moving over water should require less muscular energy.Here a hydrodynamic model is used to predict the levels of severity in which human beings should be able to run on water./p>
Scientists tested these predictions in the laboratory using a reduced gravity simulator, which was adapted to a model equation, previously used by Glasheen and McMahon to explain the dynamics of basilisk lizard, which predicted body mass, the stride frequency and the severity necessary for a person to run on the water.
Thus, the theoretical predictions about whether a person could run on the water on the Moon, showed that the human beings, like the basilisk lizard, and despite the high stride frequency and the e Intensive effort of the musculoskeletal system, were established at an almost constant height that kept them above the water.
Then, we could say that for the moment the only place in which the human being would be able to walk on water would be the moon.
Something to consider in future water parks in our beloved satellite.We assume that a temporary vacation to make this type of scientific incursions should not be as bad as some of the longest stays in the International Space Station.Any volunteers?
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Image: Christian Wallpaper
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