Bees can be as cute as they are dangerous.If a swarm of African bees starts to chase you, you better run if you want to leave unharmed.These small insects bring a lot to our world-besides the delicious honey, of course-, It would really surprise you to know how important they are.For this reason, in Science Daily Online we tell you that things could disappear if the bees cease to exist.
This would happen if the bees cease to exist
1-Everyone's food
Bees are insects that are responsible for the pollination of most of the food we eat.We would be talking about 90% of the world's food supply, if we think of the 100 crops that constitute such a supply.Just thinking that is responsible for pollinating the corn is enough.
And even if the bats are allies of the bees, if they cease to exist there would not be enough food to satisfy the hunger of six billion people.Imagine to what extent they are important !
2-The clothes would run out
This point is not about fashion as such, just about the clothes we wear every day.The little bees are very hardworking and they also have an essential role in the existence of cotton .The most popular material for creating clothing, is comfortable and healthier for skin pores to breathe, however, if bees cease to exist this industry would fall apart , so it would be impossible to continue producing cotton clothes.
3-Farewell to cattle
Maybe vegetarians would be happy if this should it happen, but what if all these animals were also endangered? For cattle to grow to the size necessary to enter the market, you must eat the right food .
In a world without bees, the cattle diet would be unbalanced and therefore, would not reach the homes of carnivorous people.Oilseeds are the main source of protein and without it, the cows would have health problems , to the point that no it could be consumed.
4-World economy
Without 90% of the food supply, without cows, without clothes, without trucks –because they would not transport food–, without biofuel that , you also need bees; we would be without anything to support the world economy .
By stopping the production of this and many other things, the economy would plummet.According to the part of the globe where you are, trade would be so affected that it would fall into a crisis difficult to overcome.
5-Human extinction?
It is scary to think that if the bees die out, so do we.but not immediately.What is the prognosis? "A world without bees would be totally catastrophic," , said scientist George McGavin.However, a BBC Science Focus correspondent believes that it would not be so radical, but hunger would abound.
There is no doubt that bees are really valuable.Let's do our best to preserve their existence, respect the environment and take care of it, our future depends on it.
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-Bee venom against HIV
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