In Science Daily Online we once gave you 5 tips to go spectacular in the photographs.One of the things that most often bother us when we take a photo is to appear with the red eyes Why does this happen? In this article we tell you.
Why do the eyes appear red in some photographs?
The « red-eye effect » usually occurs when the flash is used at night or with a very dim light .The light emitted by the camera is reflected at the back of the retina and She's getting it.Why red? Because the light that comes back to the face is the reflection of the numerous blood vessels of a membrane called choroid that is in the retina, so it has that red hue.Quite disturbing.
Those who have the dark eyes have less chance of appearing with red eyes because they may have enough dark pigment so that the reddish hue is not reflected.
When does it appear?
When we use flash and look directly at the camera lens and therefore its light is reflected directly in our retina.
It should be noted that it can also happen even if we are half side if we have the dilated pupils .
So, if I turn off the flash, will I have less red eyes?
Of course , if there is enough light to not use flash turn it off and completely avoid the "red-eye effect".
How do I avoid appearing with my eyes? red?
We present 3 tips so that your eyes don't seem "diabolic" when there's no choice but to use flash.
1.Avoid looking directly at the cameraYou don't have to turn your head completely, just look a little beyond the lens or to the side so that your eyes don't catch the camera flash at a very direct angle.
2.Light up as much as you can the environmentIf the place you are in is really dark , you will have pupils very dilated and this increases ta the "red-eye effect".Therefore, look for to illuminate the place a little bit and there will be less chance of showing your more terrifying side.
3.Do you have an anti-eye option red? Activate it!This function helps to avoid red eyes by using shorter flashes and fast just before the camera takes the picture.
This short period of time allows the pupil to contract and the fast flashing streak does not allow it to dilate too much again.It decreases the options of going out with red eyes.
Why, sometimes, in group photographs only some people go out with red eyes?
Surely you will have ever found that you are the only one or of the few who in a group photo appears with the eyes as two radioactive tomatoes.There are several reasons why this can happen.
It's usually because we are the ones who looked more directly at the camera and we were in straight line with this.You may also have the more dilated pupils and, therefore, the light strikes and is more reflected in your eyes.
Sometimes appears only one of our eyes with this color.This may be because one eye has a slightly different angle to the other or, perhaps, some kind of eye pathology .In case this happens to an elder repeatedly, it may be a case of cataracts.
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