The intervention of the human being in the natural habitat of the fauna around the world and the effects of the deterioration of the planet earth have put many animal species in danger of extinction , but one of those who adds to that sad list is unexpected.
This is the Mexican donkey , a noble animal that because of agricultural advances could say goodbye to us forever.
We are sure that you would never have guessed that this animal is in danger of extinction
Commonly used to help in the hard work of agriculture in the fields of Mexico, the native donkeys from this country of Central America they are experiencing a considerable drop in their population figures .
According to the Agricultural Census IO of Mexico, which dates back to 1991, for this date one and a half million copies of the animal were counted, but alarmingly a similar study carried out in 2016 determined that today there are only about 500 thousand.
One of the main causes of this serious problem is the modernization of agricultural work , but also the exploitation and disinterest for its conservation.
A Often, donkeys are animals that in Latin America are taken as something too common and unimportant and, consequently, ignored for not being considered as an important species, which is why the conservationists have not made much effort to save them .
However, selflessness is completely unjustified.These animals have extraordinary qualities that stand out in the animal kingdom , such as the fact that they are the species of equines that best suits living in the desert.
In addition, donkeys have highly developed senses.Their sense of smell is so potent that they can detect odors 10 kilometers away and have a more resistant digestive system than horses, so they can feed on a wide variety of plants and extract water from food more easily.
They have long been used as a symbol to mock those that were considered to be not very bright at school , but their tough bone structure gives them a load capacity of four times their weight and, at a certain age, can tow up to two tons.
They are solitary animals, unlike their cousins, horses and zebras, and can have lives so long that they extend to 40 years .
Mexico It is not the only country in the world in which the population of donkeys has declined.Worldwide, it is estimated that 44 million copies remain distributed mostly in China, Pakistan, India, Ethiopia and Egypt.
Given the threat to the species, today more than ever it is necessary to take measures to prevent them from disappearing. There are very few sanctuaries established for this purpose, counting only England, France , Spain, Aruba and Switzerland among the countries where the initiative has been taken.
In Mexico, a shelter called Burrolandia was recently opened, founded by German Flores, who laments the deal that has been given to these horses.
«Today, the donkey has been completely displaced by motor vehicles, so man has forgotten I loved the benefit he had with this animal, ”he said.
A sad situation, while unexpected, of what we wanted to echo, so that when you see a donkey you treat and consider , remembering the true importance they have and that because of our whim are in danger of extinction.
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Images: Wokandapix
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