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The incredible power of the "dolphin-children" of the Andaman Sea

We are in a paradisiacal scenario: in Burma, right in the Republic of Myanmar.The sea here has that translucent blue where one can see the reflection of the stars during the night and the ocean floor during the day.

Here life is very simple, especially for the Moken, a social group of seminomadas that subsist from antiquity with everything that the sea , is good to offer them.To get seafood with which to feed, they practice the immersion to «lung» in a natural way and without any artificial help, being able to reach even 23 meters deep as some anthropologists and photographers reveal to us.

Now, this way So special life has made the children of the new generations have developed a special "nuance" that allows them to practice this underwater fishing more effectively: their eyes seem to be more than ready to adapt to the water.Their vision is perfect, your pupils will they adapt to the aquatic environment with an effectiveness similar to that of dolphins.

A wonder that amazes scientists from all over the world and that we want to share with you in Science Daily Online.Are you with us?

The incredible power of the "children-dolphins" of the Andaman Sea

Imagine the life of a town that spends 6 to 7 hours a day on the water.Its houseboats and barges they are the means that allow them to go from here and there in search of fishing benches and that nutrient-rich seafood that allows them to survive.

The incredible power of the

Anthropologists call them" the gypsies of the sea » and draws attention first of all to the sparkle of those pure faces that radiate vitality and that happiness that emanates from the simplest and freest life we ​​can imagine.So much so that even the genetics itself is playing in their favor to what e their bodies and their senses adapt better and better to that environment in which they live.

The incredible power of the

Children have a perfect view underwater. The popular rumor ran already from country to country, until finally, the Lund University of Sweden, wanted to investigate it in person.However, when they arrived at the coast of Myanmar they realized that they were not the only ones interested in this particularity.Scientists from various universities of China was there to get objective data from the little Moken.

These were the data they got:

  • The children descended to the bottom of the sea to catch a type of clam brown in color, which differentiated the perfection of stones of the same hue where these mollusks camouflaged each other.
  • Various optical tests were performed on these ch icos that later were contrasted with European children of the same ages.The conclusions were published in the journal "Current Biology", where it was shown that although there were no differences in the structures of the eyes, the sharpness of the children Moken was far superior (more than double, in fact) to European children.
  • It was also discovered that when these "sea gypsies" dive , the pupils of Moken children contract, while European children do not do the same, but quite the opposite.
  • For experts it is a challenge, and the mystery of that perfect vision resides first of all in those pupils that it is not yet known if the children get to consciously or unconsciously depending on the stimulus in which they are being fixed.

The incredible power of the

Now there is data au n more important that we must keep in mind.This wonderful and perfect vision only comparable to that of a dolphin, is definitely lost when the boys reach adulthood.The reason? Over the years the lens must have flexibility, at which time that boy or girl has the same visual acuity as any of us.

The incredible power of the

That's why that the people of the Moken prefer that it is always the children who immerse themselves in search of that most select seafood.They get it in a few seconds and precisely.Something amazing that, as the scientists tell us, still requires more analysis and tests to get to understand this faculty more accurately.

We will be pending.Meanwhile, and if you liked this article, we invite you to remember the history of blond children on Salomon Island.


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