They say that time can heal everything, even a broken heart...but why leave it all in time if you can begin to heal wounds with methods as effective as the one we have titled “ the science of overcoming your ex .”Do not thank us for what we will reveal below, the credit we give to the authors of this study, a group of scientists who have discovered how to treat the 'evil of love' by working a little in our minds.
The science of beating your ex
As a preamble, the co-author of the science of beating your ex , the psychology professor Sandra Langeslag of the University of Missouri, clarifies that feelings of love do not work as an on/off switch, as we well know.However, this study can serve as a starting point for anyone who is experiencing this entire series of intense emotions that derive from a love break, and that you want s uperarlas.
The study, coping strategies and outcome
For this study published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: General , 24 young adults were recruited between the ages of 20 and 37, who suffered from heartbreak after ending long-term relationships.They were asked to try three coping strategies, which are:
Negative reassessment of The former partner: is nothing more than focusing on the negative traits of the former partner to encourage 'heartbreak'.
Reassessment of feelings of love: this The exercise was based on admitting that it was good to love those who did not love them back, accompanying the statement with a set of motivational phrases.
Distraction: This is surely the strategy of a coping to beat your ex that you know best.Consists of keeping your mind busy to avoid thinking about the person who broke your heart.Participants were guided to think nice and positive things.
There was also a group which was invited not to think about anything in particular.This, to measure the real impact of thoughts on overcoming a love break with the help of an encephalogram that measured the electrical activity of the brain while photos of his ex… the litmus test were shown.
After seeing the photographs, the emotional responses were really interesting, as the participants who followed one of the three coping approaches diminished the response.emotional before them.That is, seen from the brain, the emotions were less intense compared to the group that was asked not to think about anything.For example, the group undergoing the negative reevaluation diminished the feelings of love for the former , but happiness in general was also affected.As for distraction, although there were no changes in the feelings of love, the participants showed themselves with better encouragement.
The interpretation of these results according to the co-author of the study, professor of psychology of the University of Missouri, Sandra Langeslag, is that the combination of each of the strategies is what will really make a difference.Well, while some work effectively in the regulation of love towards the former partner, others act directly in the regulation of positive emotion.It is important to keep this in mind, especially if the exercise of listing the not-so-lovely things of an old love exhausts you emotionally.
On this last point, Langeslag recommends making a daily list of negative aspectsof your old relationship until you convince yourself that, after all, if something ends, there is no other way but to move forward for your welfare.Because as observed in the experiment, the mind really has power.
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