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Daphne Sheldrick, the "fairy godmother" of orphaned elephants and rhinos

Daphne Sheldrick is 81 years old, and if there were really fairy godmothers, she would be one.Although we have to clarify something: her work has very little magic, but a lot of heart, everyday efforts, and the occasional personal resignation in order to offer the best to those unique creatures: the elephants.

His work is known throughout the world, his work to reintegrate elephants and other orphaned animals into the wildlife is one of the most admired while interesting.He was able to develop a type of nutrient-rich milk with which, save rhinos and elephants as if it were the breast milk itself.The success rate to get the animal forward is so high, that any creature that reaches the arms of Daphne Sheldrick, He has a very high probability of being saved.

Because he does his job with love, because his work, part straight from the heart.

Daphne Sheldrick, the lady of Kenya

This octogenarian lady nourishes her roots in the beautiful Kenyan country, where I study immediately highlighting its brilliance and sensitivity to nature.When the time came to go to University, Daphne, declined the idea of ​​preferring to be a housewife and marry David Sheldrick.

Daphne Sheldrick, the

Now, his life changed radically at the moment his husband was appointed co-director of the Tsavo National Park. At that moment Daphne's life took another direction.She was never a housewife, did not go to neighborhood meetings, or to any women's club in those 50s.Every day he went to the zoo and was the first one in ay udar in any work, in any need.

A few years and inside the zoo facilities, she and her husband raised a center of rehabilitation for "orphans" .They were mostly young elephants, small animals left alone after poachers killed their families, something tragic and a reality that has not yet been solved.Black rhinos, buffalos, zebras, antelopes, impalas, antilopes, small mongooses and any type of birds that need help are also accommodated in the Daphne refuge.

Daphne Sheldrick, the

If Mrs.Sheldrick is known for anything, it is to perfect a type of milk with which to raise rhinos and elephants.Almost none die under his care.secr eto? No, it's not just milk...Daphne talks to them, plays with them, respects their customs, knows what their needs are and does not devote themselves to raising simple pets, they are animals that tomorrow's day, they will be returned to their habitat natural.

Her life took a turn with the death of her husband in 1977.She could have left everything, dedicated to her children, to his grandchildren...But whoever loves animals and knows himself responsible for an important project, does not believe in adversity.He confronts and overcomes it.That is why Daphne Sheldrick created the «David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust (DSWT)» in Nairobi, Kenya.

Its purpose was twofold: this time, in addition to welcoming orphaned elephants or rhinos, I would also work with organizations dedicated to persecuting poaching, invested own funds for the development of mobile equipment , of veterinary ambulances to treat injured elephants.If this were not enough, the important and task of "raising awareness" of the population, of giving courses, of writing, of lecturing began.

Daphne Sheldrick, the

So, your job is threefold: attend, fight and educate. Can there be a better hero? You would like to know that Daphne has the most distinguished decorations of her country, and also the mention of the British Empire, offered by Queen Elizabeth.Hopefully your work will serve as a reference for many more people!

If you liked this article, also discover Raju, the elephant that cried when released.


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