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The brutal revenge of Princess Olga of Kiev. Do you know her

Throughout history there have been many legends about brutal revenges, do you know that of Princess Olga of Kiev? If you have not heard it, we invite you to discover it, it is quite terrible , but at the same time shows his audacity, courage and determination.Let's see her!

The brutal revenge of Princess Olga of Kiev

Princess Olga married Igor of Kiev between 901 and 903.Her husband was killed by the Drevlians (tribe of the first Eastern Slavs between the 6th and 10th centuries) in the year 945 during an uprising against a tax that had been imposed on them. Olga from Kiev he became regent ruler, because his son was then only three years old.

The brutal revenge of Princess Olga of Kiev. Do you know her

The Drevlians, who had killed her husband, wanted Olga to marry Prince Mal and that, thus, he became the ruler of the Rus of Kiev , but Olga did not want to, since this would make his son could not rule as soon as he was old enough and if she remained on the throne for several years I could give it to him.

The brutal revenge of Princess Olga of Kiev. Do you know her

As part of a strategy to persuade her to marry, the Drevlians sent 20 of her best men, but she made them bury alive Then he sent a message to Prince Mal saying that he had decided to accept the proposal and asked him to send his best men to accompany her on the trip. When they arrived, Princess Olga of Kiev warmly welcomed them and invited them to enter the bathhouse to rest from the long journey.They went obediently and she closed the doors; after that I burn them alive.

With the best men of his dead enemy, Olga planned the end of the Drevlians; he invited them to a funeral party in honor of her husband and as soon as they were drunk, he sent them to kill, they were about 5,000 on that occasion.

The brutal revenge of Princess Olga of Kiev. Do you know her

After this, Olga returned to Kiev and created a plan to end all the remaining ones; she arrived with her army and the men asked her for mercy, she accepted saying They would forgive them if they gave three pigeons and three sparrows from each house. They agreed with pleasure.Someone sent a piece of sulfur on the legs of the animals, which were released at nightfall, these they returned to their homes which soon caught fire; the whole city was consumed.

After this Olga had greater control over the territory; it razed many other cities and could govern as he wished.

The brutal revenge of Princess Olga of Kiev. Do you know her

Do you know what is the most curious thing about this story? Olga from Kiev was canonized and considered holy, despite having killed so many people.Why? At some point between 945 and 957 the queen was baptized, converting to Christianity, and did the same with her grandson, St.Vladimir I, who ended up declaring Christianity as an official religion in 980. This It was the prize they gave him for his efforts to turn the Russian Rus into a Christian nation.

What do you think of this story? Don't you miss this article on Harriette Wilson: Revenge of a Courtesan in the English Court.

Images: triin, bookchen, Ze da Adega.


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