Are you sleepwalking? Then you should know, first of all, that this type of parasomnia that characterizes you makes you part of a select «club» where 19% of the population is included.
Secondly, there is another fact that you must take into account: 79% of sleepwalkers have the characteristic of being able to have the bad fortune of hitting and getting hurt without feeling absolutely nothing. The perception of pain is null during this state. Amazing, isn't it?
Whether you're sleepwalking or not, we're sure this information It will seem interesting to you.
People are sleepwalking and physical pain
It is very possible that in the face of this article: «discover what happens when you hit yourself when you are sleepwalking », more than one has thought that of« because the most likely thing is that the person wakes up when feeling the physical pain ».
Well, well here the logic follows another cam Not surprisingly, according to a study conducted at the Gui-de-Chauliac Hospital in Montpellier, sleepwalkers lack the perception of pain while they are in that state .It is a characteristic that is fulfilled, as we say, in 79% of cases.
The study has been published in the magazine« SLEEP », with the title: « Pain in Sleepwalking: A Clinical Enigma ».And without a doubt, interest has aroused worldwide.The data that are exposed to us are as follows:
- A sleepwalking person is capable of get out of bed and carry out simple and "mechanical" tasks, that is, actions that are common and routine throughout the day: go to the kitchen, use knives, take out food and even go out to the street and try to get into their cars.
- During the parasomnia, the person has his eyes open but is not aware of what he is doing in any moment.This implies that you can cut yourself with the knife and not perceive it and even twist an ankle when you fall down a step and not wake up after the incident.
- At Montpellier Hospital, they studied cases of people who had n come to fall from a second floor, after rushing through the window.Another, fell down a ladder, breaking a leg without feeling pain at the time it happened. It was not until relatives turned on the light after hearing the sound, when they went for the person "waking her from her reverie." Only then was she aware of the pain.
- For the scientists, this dissociation between sleep and wakefulness it makes the perception of pain «to be as anesthetized», as asleep.We enter a state of insensitivity so extreme, that only the motor system guides us through that familiar scenario that is our house, as if we were walking guided by an indecipherable dream.
We emphasize, once again, that this characteristic would be presented by 79% of the population.The other 21% would wake up second of feeling a touch or an impact.Now, other information to keep in mind and that the doctors of the Montpellier Hospital have revealed to us, is as follows:
- People suffering from sleepwalking and that, in addition, they have the feature of not waking up when they are harmed, they usually suffer more headaches and migraines on average.
- Days When they experience sleepwalking, they are related to stressful moments and headaches or in their most painful cases: the feared migrants.
Experts should still draw more conclusions about this relationship but, no doubt, it is still interesting.Now tell us...Are you one of those who wake up immediately during a sleepwalking episode? Or are you Maybe those who open their eyes the next day, not knowing where those cardinals come from?
Don't forget to leave your opinion, and remember our article about sleep paralysis.
Image: Thom Davies, Majed AlAbboud, Yoann JEZEQUEL
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