Various scientific studies support the fact that we cannot totally trust what our memory remembers and that we can even treasure memories that never really happened.We cannot think that our brain acts as a videotape that you record and when we play it faithfully reflects what happened.To begin with, our memory stores only what we consider important.Join us to know 3 reasons why we can't always rely on our memories.
Because we can't always rely on our memories
American psychology Elizabeth Loftus has deepened for years in the study of memory and processes that, without us noticing, undermine their reliability .Loftus conducted a study with volunteers in which 25% of them remembered being lost in a shopping center in their childhood , when This fact had not really happened.He also managed, in another experiment, to implant in 50% of the participants, through trick photographs, memories of a balloon trip in his childhood and that they had never really done.The three main reasons why those that we cannot trust 100% of our memories are:
1.That memory is selective
We tend to erase negative memories and keep those that interest us.Memory is selective and not only tends to maintain what can be useful, but this information is conserved in a biased way .We keep memories «as »We are interested.An example of this is a survey that was done in the 60s to several couples in the US on domestic tasks, the two members remembered having done 7 out of ten jobs.
2.There are memories« implanted »
We are victims of suggestibility , that is, as we have seen at the beginning of the article, we tend to incorporate into our memory information from external sources , be they people, images and even from the media, which in a deceptive way pass to be part of our memories.
3.That invented memories are strong
The "imagined" or "invented" memories may remain in our memory with more fixation than reals and in many cases they overlap , so it is practically impossible to distinguish them.
For all that, it's very difficult to trust 100% of our memories .Recordam Especially what for one reason or another was important for us and these memories are what make up our identity.Our memories are a mosaic formed by pieces and lots of information that the brain is gathering and that must provide us with information that helps us to face both the present and the future, but being aware that possibly much of what we remember is in some way altered.
If you have been interested in this article about the reasons why we cannot trust our memories, Maybe you want to know more about memory by reading the post:
–How to improve memory.10 keys
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