We tend to raise our gaze to the sky, the stars, asking ourselves questions about what's beyond, about the curiosities of the universe , but the truth is that if we look down and look on our own planet, we would discover that there are many curiosities of the world to learn.Do you want to know curiosities of the Earth , the beautiful cradle of humanity? We are sure you will be interested!
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18 interesting curiosities of the Earth
Let's get closer to our planet, trying to look at everything what makes it one of the most impressive places in the solar system, capable of harboring life, unlike other celestial bodies.Did you know that you are never really still and that due to the movement of our planet you are constantly moving at a very high speed? Did you also know that Antarctica is the desert with more water in the world? Read on to learn more curiosities of the Earth .
Information about the Earth that will amaze you ??
Among the incredible curiosities of the Solar System that we can find, surely the most fascinating we will find on our planet.As we said, the Earth perhaps because it is the only place that, as far as we know so far, houses life is one of the most amazing planets in the world.Universe...and it's our home! Did you know the following information about the Earth ?
1.Although we usually draw the round Earth...
It is not ! In fact, we could say that the Earth is shaped like a sphere flattened by the poles.
2.You may think you manage to be totally still, but you never are!
At all times you are moving and very fast.Depending on the point of the Earth where you are located, you could be circling in space at about 1609km/hour.For example, if you are on the equator of our planet, you will be moving faster than those at the north or south end, at the poles.To understand this, visualize a ball of turntable rotating on your index finger.
Any point on the equator of the ball will have to go further in a single turn than the point that is closest to your finger, so those who are in this area of the Earth are in fact spinning faster.
3.What was the biggest earthquake that shook our planet?
This is one of the curiosities of the Earth that we have ever asked ourselves, perhaps because it is related to one of the deadliest natural catastrophes.Of the recorded earthquakes, the one with the greatest power was the one that hit the surroundings of the city of Concepcion, to the north Te de la Metropolis, in May 1960, and was of magnitude 7.7.Its strength was such that it affected 2,000,000 people and sank Valdivia 4 meters below sea level.In addition, it also resulted in the eruption of the Poyehue volcano and a tsunami in the Pacific Ocean that came to affect Hawaii and Japan.
4.Where is the coldest place on Earth?
This data could not be missing in this list of curiosities of the Earth and it is possible that in fact you have already intuited it.The place with the lowest temperatures of our planet is Antarctica.you can reach-73º C, but do not believe that this is the greatest cold recorded on Earth.
At Vostok Station in Russia, in July 1983, where it was recorded that the thermometers reached-89.2º C.
5.Antarctica is the desert with the most water in the world
Although the southernmost continent has 70% of the earth's fresh water and almost 90% of its ice , it is only the fifth largest continent.
With so much water it is incredible that it is considered a desert.Do you know how much water falls from the sky, either in the form of snow or rain? 50 millimeters a year.
6.The "imperfect" form of the Earth affects us in a very curious way
Because our planet is not a sphere as perfect as the one we drew, but one much more flattened by the poles, its mass is not exactly distributed.This does not mean that gravity is either.
7.La Earth's gravity is not the same in all places
This is another of the curiosities of the Earth that you probably did not know.There is a point where gravity behaves differently.occurs in the Hudson Bay in Canada.In this place the gravity is less than in other parts of the world.This is caused by two factors.The first has to do with the movements of the magna, in the earth's mantle, and the displacement of tectonic plates.These convection currents would be responsible for 55%-75% of the lesser gravity in the area.
The second factor that would affect this aspect would be the disappearance of the ice sheet that existed during the past ice ages.An enormous ice sheet formerly covered the area and with its weight caused a sinking of the earth at that point, changing its mass and therefore its severity at that point.This change is responsible for 25%-45% of this anomaly.
8.Did you know that the magnetic poles of our planet can be reversed?
In the last 20 million years, approximately every 200,000-300,000 years the Earth's magnetic poles have been inverted, showing a fairly clear pattern.In spite of this, in 2012 it was found that we had doubled this average time.
It should be noted that the investment process does not occur from one moment to the next, but it happens throughout Hundreds of years.
9.The rocks...can walk on our planet!
As you can see, the curiosities of the Earth sometimes s seem pure magic.
This phenomenon happens in Death Valley and we explain it to you in detail in this article, it is amazing!
10 The deepest point on Earth is in the Mariana Trench
If you wanted to dive to the deepest point on Earth, you will have to go down 10916 below sea level.Is it not covered by water? At a point in the Bentley Subglacial Trench in Antarctica, which is located 2555 meters below sea level.
11.What is the composition? of the Earth's atmosphere?
Is this information about the Earth very basic, but not all of us are clear.
Our atmosphere is 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen and the rest are a set of other gases, among which, for example, carbon dioxide stands out.
12.Earth is the only known planet that has life forms on the
Of the curiosities of the Solar System This is the most bleak, but the most beautiful among those of our planet.
Scientists estimate that, in addition to being the planet that harbors life, the Earth has between 5 and 100 million species in she and that, in fact, only 2 million of them have been identified.
13.Our planet is the fifth largest in the Solar System
Although sometimes we become small, our planet is only surpassed in size by the gigantic gas planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
Mysteries of the Earth ??
Now we know a lot more information about our planet, but still And we have come to know so many things, there are still many questions that even the best scientists have not been able to answer! Do you want to know which are the greatest mysteries of the Earth ? Some of them seem so basic questions, it seems almost impossible that they have not yet been able to answer.Keep discovering these enigmatics Earth curiosities that perplexed the scientific community.
14.Where did Earth's water come from?
It is not yet known where exactly the water on Earth came from today, because it is believed that when it was believed it was only a dry rock, some believe that it was possibly asteroids with ice that were impacting on it and filling the reserves of water for billions of years.
15.How do we get to have our satellite, the Moon?
Of course, we could not leave some information about the Moon .There is no agreed explanation to describe how our satellite came to be formed ">
There are different hypotheses.One of them is based on the composition of the rocks extracted from the Moon, which closely resembles those on Earth, so it is believed that perhaps I am once part of the planet.Others believe that perhaps it arose from a collision between planets...Anyway, it is still unclear.
16.Where did life come from?
How did life get to develop on Earth? Did it come from space, in meteorites? Did it develop on the same planet?
At the moment there is no answer for it and the day you know, surely change many conceptions and achieve incredible feats.
17.Where did oxygen come from?
Oxygen is essential for life and it was the cyanobacteria that changed the Earth's atmosphere.These produced oxygen as waste and filled the sky with it.However, something happened because For 3 billion years, oxygen levels kept changing, increasing and decreasing, until they stabilized a little over 500 million years ago.So, were these cyanobacteria really the only ones responsible for our perfect atmosphere? Was there anything else involved in this process? You still don't know for sure.
18.Is it really possible to predict earthquakes?
Although it has been tried and many efforts have been put in place, there is still no way to know exactly when an earthquake will happen or when an earthquake will stop, but still developing technology and ways of studying them and trying to reach this goal that could really be essential.
Now that you know all these curiosities of the Earth , surely you will see our planet in another way and maybe even encourage you to contribute some theories about the mysteries that surround it and how much it seems to cost to decipher.Meanwhile, we encourage you to continue discovering curious facts this time in: 15 scientific curiosities that will interest you.
Discover also: 50 Curiosities of countries to expand your knowledge of the world.
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