Recent studies conducted among senior citizens living in the United States could call into question the typical image of the old man as an old grunon, forgetful, wrinkled and full of ailments.
It is true that the changes of your body and your mind are inevitable over the years, but they don't necessarily have to be negative.Here are some examples.
5 changes of your body and your mind over the years
1.One of the most notable changes is cell deterioration.As you age, your body cells lose their ability to regenerate, even stem cells, as I can see in a study conducted with mice in 2007 and published in the journal PLOS Biology , in which it was found that the stem cells of old rodents lose their ability to regenerate sooner than the stem cells of young mice.
2.It is also true that another of your body changes with age is that you need less sleep to re to cover you Although the difference between people of 20 and 60 years does not seem to be so great, if we believe in an American study that speaks of only about 25 minutes.
To this we should add that many older adults complain of insomnia and problems to reconcile a deep sleep.
3.Wrinkles and hanging skin appear.We would like to tell you that it will not happen, but it is inevitable: after 50 years the skin becomes less elastic and thinner epidermis, decreases deep facial fat and the sum of these factors produces cracks and wrinkles that will make you look wiser, but also older.
There is also bone wear in the basins eyepieces, jaw and cheekbones, what remains support for the skin and does not look as tense as when we are younger.
4.It is not completely true that you become more rigid and conservative when you get older, or at least it is not what it indicates a survey of 46,000 Americans between 1972 and 2004.
The same show that over time most adults became more tolerant in fields such as politics, economics and sexuality, and on topics such as racism, religion and gender equality.
5.Finally, we must combat the image of the old grunon, which is partly real, as some studies suggest that the understanding of some types of humor decreases over the years.
To end this brief walk through the changes of your body and mind, and by the way of the last point, a good number of doctors recommend continuing to laugh I mean, as noted by Prathiba Shammi, from the Baycrest Geriatric Care Center:
«Preserving this affective response capacity is important because it is an integral part of social interaction, and has long been postulated that humor can improve the quality of life , help in stress management, and cope with aging tensions ».
The years cause the changes of your body and your mind, but they may be for improvement.If you are interested in the subject, then you cannot miss these things that you should do before you get older, what you think about getting old can affect you and why it seems that time passes more Fast when we grow old.
Images: Jay, David Clow, Matthias Wiemann, 家 翔 陳, Tim Caynes, Elizabeth Haslam, TheArches
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