These beautiful and noble animals are world famous for their great memory and it seems that that ability not to forget is what condemns them to die of sadness when they lose a baby.
Can an elephant die for love?
For some elephants it is very difficult to face the issue of death , especially if it is of a baby.The loop formed between a female elephant and her baby is one of the strong of the entire animal kingdom.In fact, this relationship can last much longer after the breeding period, unlike of most animal species, who separate from their children once they are adults.
For elephants the issue of death is very serious and can enter into a grieving process that if you don't get over it you can end up with the death of the affected.So the answer to the question of whether or not an elephant can die of love is positive, these noble animals generate very strong ties and sometimes they find it very difficult to get out of the grieving process after an important death.
Scientists believe that the key to this process is closely related to their excellent memory and the ability to form bonds in perpetuity. Surprisingly when an elephant is sick, it receives the help from others and when he finally dies they make a series of tributes and even sometimes throw dirt and leaves on the corpse.
The broken heart syndrome
People can die due to the sadness and stress that leads to a deep depression.The same goes for elephants, when a mother loses her offspring, she usually departs from the herd for days. In that grieving process the mother walks in a circle He smells and caresses him with his trunk, if the elephant fails to get out of his mourning, he tends to stop eating until he dies.
It is also a very shocking case when it is a child who loses her mother , in this sense, the herd usually adopts and protects the little one.
Elephants do not cease to surprise us, without a doubt, they are some of the noblest animals that exist and we have many more things in common than we could think .
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