William Stanley Milligan, better known as Billy Milligan , was the subject of study for having possessed 24 personalities .How can this be possible? They are too many!
Yes, it is strange but this has a name: multiple personality disorder .
Billy Milligan, the man of multiple personality.Tenia 24!
Billy Milligan was born in 1955 in Ohio and on December 12, 2014.His childhood was not, at all, that of an ordinary child.Billy had to live the continuous transfers and different men who went through his mother's life, especially the influence of Jonny, who after an attempt to suicide fulfilled his goal, and Chalmer, what an abuse of Billy .
Later, we could define Billy Milligan as a full-fledged .Some would call him "crazy." He carried out continuous robberies and even raped three women on the university campus where he studied.
After these acts Billy was convicted, but after confirming that he suffered multiple personality disorder he was acquitted of all guilt.in the first man acquitted of a crime by confirmation of psychological disorder.That was, he was in a series of psychiatric hospitals that verified the 24 personalities that Billy had.
In 1988, Billy was put released, freeing himself from the psychiatric hospitals that had already encountered his illness, for which they found no solution. Billy lost contact with his acquaintances and his whereabouts were unknown for years .Murio of cancer in Ohio at 59 years of age.
The Minds of Billy Milligan, the book that made him famous
It's funny how An upset that Billy suffered was so striking that he rose to fame. He wrote a novel The Minds of Billy Milligan whose author is Daniel Keyes .A novel of such repercussion that was translated in several languages.
You can find this book here-> The Minds of Billy Milligan.Unfortunately, at the moment it is only available in English.
In this book, Daniel Keyes describes in detail the personalities that inhabited the mind of Billy Milligan.Read on to know them.
The 24 personalities of Billy Milligan
Daniel Keyes divided the 24 personalities of Billy Milligan as follows for ma:
-The ten
These were the less aggressive personalities, of easier and receptive treatment.Their presence was clear from the beginning of the treatment to Billy.
1.Billy himself (26 years old)
The main personality that was "fragmented."
2 Rage Vadaskovinich (23 years old)
A Yugoslav communist, given to weapons and karate.He has a lot of anger contained.He is an atheist.
3.Arthur (22 years old)
A responsible, formal and intelligent English man.He was the one who put order among his other personalities.
4.Allen (18 years old)
A manipulator and hypocrite.He plays the drums and paints portraits.He is an agnostic and the only personality who smokes.
5.Tommy (16 years old)
A saxophone artist and lover of electronic music He paints landscapes and maintains a close relationship with his mother.
6.Danny (14 years old)
Suffers anthropophobia, fear of people, especially to men.Paint still lifes.
7.David (8 years old)
He is very empathetic.He absorbs all pain and suffering from other personalities.highly sensitive.
8.Christene (3 years)
Nina dyslexica and something away from others.She likes to draw.
9.Christopher (13 years old)
He is the brother of Christene.Obedient but problematic.Play the harmonics.
10.Adalana (19 years old)
Lesbian, shy and lonely.Write poetry.
-The undesirable
These were the most complicated personalities, who did not follow the rules imposed by those who treated Billy and used to appear when he was admitted to a psychiatric hospital.
1.Philip (20 years)
Known as «the maton».Use vulgar language and commits minor crimes.
2.Kevin (20 years)
A criminal who plans his robberies.He likes to write.
3.Walter (22 years old)
An Australian hunter.excellent sense of direction and extremely emotionally repressed.
4.Apr il (19 years old)
Known as "the bitch" plans to take revenge on Billy's stepfather.
5.Samuel (18 years old)
He is a Jew and the only personality who believes in God.Sculpt and carve wood.
6.Mark (16 years old)
Known as «the zombie».He does nothing and has no initiative whatsoever.
7.Steve (21 years old)
Mockingly imitates others, he laugh at them.
8.Read (20 years)
Comical, prankster and witty.Their jokes cause fights.He doesn't worry about the consequence of their actions.
9.Jason (13 years old)
Suffers hysterical reactions and tantrums.
10.Robert (17 years old)
Also called Bobby is a sonador.He is continually fantasizing about travel and adventure.
11.Shawn (4 years old )
A little re He is known as "the deaf".
12.Martin (19 years old)
He is the snob of the group of personalities, he wants to get things without Earn them first.
13.Timothy (15 years old)
Known as Timmy, he works at a florist where he had an encounter with a homosexual who went inside his world.
-The ultimate personality of Billy Milligan
14.The teacher (26 years old)
It's the sum of the twenty-three personalities in one.She is bright, sensitive and with a great sense of humor.She describes herself as "Billy in one piece".
As we have seen, the different personalities of Billy Milligan are very different each other.So much so that they even have different names "now I'm Billy, now I'm Martin"...This detail that shocks us so much, I also draw attention on Dr.David Caul, whom we should mention as the person who recognized Billy Milligan's "The Undesirable".
Living together such different characters in the same person, it is natural that Hollywood actors and possibly from all over the world, they would see Billy Milligan as an interpretive challenge.
The Crowded Room and Leonardo DiCaprio.The enigmatic film that should explain the history of Billy Milligan
Already in 2015 it announced the project of the movie The Crowded Room, starring Leonardo DiCaprio .An ambitious project and a challenge that, we wanted DiCaprio, to overcome successfully, when trying to interpret the multiple personalities of Billy Milligan, whose original name was William Stanley Milligan.
The script of the movie was a adaptation of the book about Billy Mill igan that we talked about earlier and was written by Jason Smilovic and Todd Katzberg.Unfortunately, the years have passed and we have not yet been able to enjoy an official trailer of The Crowded Room .
Among the fans it is speculated that the premiere of a movie about multiple personality like Multiple by M.Night Shyamalan could delay the production of the film that we expected so much.
In any case, we do not lose hope, since a Billy Milligan with his 24 personalities interpreted by DiCaprio can be something absolutely memorable.Do you also want to see The Crowded Room ?
Can you imagine living like this? Without even knowing who you are? Who would not go crazy with 24 different personalities...
If you have been interested in this article, do not miss a case about multiple personality that went beyond: the blind woman with 10 personalities, one of which if I could see.
Image: Blake23, Vlad Gilcescu, Andre Schrei, CHRIS DRUMM
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