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10 aspects with which an introvert is usually identified

Normally, our society usually values ​​ outgoing behaviors. Dynamic, talkative people, with personalities who take risks, who are skillfully related and who usually like to be the focus of attention.

Introverts, on the other hand, are normally associated with somewhat erroneous ideas, such as shyness or lack of social skills.Images that are not always true, since it is also very common, for example, to meet people extroverts with scarce social skills.We must point out in turn that there is no better personality than another, an extrovert will never be better than an introvert and vice versa.They are simply different behaviors and different ways of focusing life.

10 aspects with which if you are introverted you will surely identify yourself

Let's talk today about introverts, we are going to list a series of dimensions with which usual Mind usually identify, then, tell us if these situations are known to you.Do we start?

1.The others think that I am antipatic , but in reality, they have other interests that go beyond them.They are not so aware of socializing, of having to be obliged to like everyone.

10 aspects with which an introvert is usually identified

They are usually more independent and enjoy their privacy moments.

2.Prefer quieter scenarios

Introverts enjoy more scenarios with a low level of stimulation .It means that an extrovert will also do it from time to time, but the introvert will always identify more with these types of places.

3.Introverts are not bothered by silence

He has and many people who see silence in moments of discomfort.If a silence appears in the middle of a conversation, many try to avoid it with what first comes to mind.Introverts do not care about these situations, moreover, share a silence It is sometimes a way to demonstrate complicity between two people, without any obligation to speak.

4.After socializing, they need to disconnect

Introverts can enjoy a party like everyone else, but if it gets too long they end up running out.

10 aspects with which an introvert is usually identified

After many hours of socialization they need «to recharge energies of solitude», to be again themselves with peace of mind.

5.Better stay with a single person than in a group

Introverts usually establish good friendships d, strong and very sincere .But with few people.They do not usually like meetings with many people, they will always enjoy being face to face with only one person.It is for them more intimate and rewarding.

6.In class, they usually sit at the end of the classroom to observe others

People often think they sit at the end of the classrooms to go unnoticed, but introverts are actually great observers and they love to do it in silence from their privacy.

7.They tend to be more creative and they are not bothered by loneliness

Moreover, they greatly enjoy their moments of loneliness because These are good times to develop your hobbies: reading, writing, drawing, playing an instrument...Extroverts, for their part, need more moments of socialization and, although from time to time they can enjoy a small moment of solitude, They often despair, because they associate it with wasted time or feeling rejected.

10 aspects with which an introvert is usually identified

Introverts, meanwhile, don't think alike.

8.They hate group work

When you have to do a group work in class , there is no worse torture.You know what will happen: Discussions, reproaches, lack of understanding...You hate it, you would even prefer to do the I work alone before having to endure your companions.

9.The others tell you that you are slow, but in reality, you just take things easy.

Why be in a hurry? The important thing is to enjoy the moment with tranquility and without hurry, doing things right.You will never understand why the rest of the world is so obsessed in always going so fast.

10.Always listen to the same questions: « You're good? Why are you so quiet? »

Because I want to, because I have nothing to say, because I am fine with my thoughts.If this happens to you continuously, then surely you already know that you are somewhat introverted and that others They do not understand that you see the world differently, and that it is better to talk when you have something important to say.

10 aspects with which an introvert is usually identified

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