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5 curiosities about snot

In Science Daily Online we talk to you once about 10 unpleasant things about the human body, this time we want to introduce you 5 curiosities about snot.

1.We produce almost 1 liter of mucus a day

We produce almost 1 liter of mucus a day , being able to reach a liter and a half.Although it sounds horrible to produce so much mucus, it is actually very important for our body.

5 curiosities about snot

Its function is to protect the surfaces of some parts of our body, such as the throat, lungs or digestive system, preventing them from drying out and cracking, according to Neil L.Kao, an associate professor at the Medical University of South Carolina.

2.Mucophagia is actually healthy

Mucophagia is, as you may have already sensed with a grimace of disgust, eating the snot .Apparently, although disturbing, if it is healthy because it can help your immune system .This was investigated by Scott Napper, professor of Biochemistry of the University of Saskatc hewan (Canada).

Actually, although it sounds absurd, it makes some sense if we consider that mucus is an immune response by our body and that, in a At one time or another, will end up in our stomach in a less rude way .This does not mean that we encourage you to do so, it is just one more curiosity.

3.91% of people rub their nose

They have taught us hundreds of times that nose picking is not right and yet a 1995 study showed that 91% of adults puts their fingers in their noses frequently.

5 curiosities about snot

Did you expect that there were so many?

4.The boogers are 95% water

In the book «Otolaryngology: Basic Science and Clinical Review» by Thomas R.Van de Water and Hinrich Staecke, it is explained that the mucus is a 95% acute a, 3% mucosa (a kind of protein and lubricating gel formed by immunoglobulins, prealbumine, albumin...) and 2% of other particles .

5 curiosities about snot

Did you imagine that much of its composition outside water?

5.Mucus can smell bad.When?

Although we don't usually smell them, the stench of mucus can be a sign of sinusitis or infection .If it occurs for a considerable period of time, it can be attributed to chronic sinusitis.

5 curiosities about snot

So if you notice that your snot has a strange smell , it is recommended that you go to the doctor .

If you liked this article, you may be interested in knowing about the cold.

Imagene s: VodaBlatoKri, whatchumean, miss rhyne, Michael, tanjila ahmed,


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