These annoying insects, parasitize all kinds of birds and mammals producing in their victims an unbearable itching. These animals usually spend their entire life cycle in the same host, since they are young (nits) until they die, to unless they are eliminated before .Their life usually lasts about 30 days, from when they leave the egg until they die.During this article we will show you the kinds of lice you should know, among the more than 3,000 varieties that exist.All these, divided into two orders: the suckers and the chewers.
Surely in your childhood you have heard about them or some of your companions suffered from this plague at school, they are tremendously contagious, so should not be exposed to them.Also, despite having countless home remedies to make them disappear, they always cling tightly to the scalp so it is very difficult to eradicate them.The best thing is always to go to the doctor or veterinarian in case your petis infected. Discover all kinds of lice before you suffer them!
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4 kinds of lice you should know | Beware of them!
1.Pediculus humanus capitis
This is one of the three kinds of lice that attack the human being, they are part of the family of sucking lice and essentially parasitize children or adolescents.Their size is minuscule, since they do not exceed 10 millimeters, although they are easily visible to the human eye.By having the transparent body, it can be perfectly appreciated when they are full of human blood. These lice can be found in all kinds of scalp, even in the eyebrows or eyelashes .They can appear due to lack of hygiene or simply by human contact with an infected person, among the methods that exist for eradicating these kinds of lice the most effective are special shampoos or combs designed to eliminate nits.
2.Ped iculus humanus humanus
They represent another type of lice that humans can have, they are also known as body lice.They are still smaller than head lice.and only they can be distinguished from these thanks to the machines of the laboratories, unlike the previous ones this insect lays its eggs in the clothes mainly in the zones of the waist or the armpits. Its three life cycles are divided in nit, nymph and adult .Interestingly, it is thought that these kinds of lice separated from those of the head about 100,000 years ago, coinciding with the time when the human being began to wear clothes.
3.Pthirus pubis
Perhaps by their scientific name you may not be able to identify this parasite, but surely you have heard of their common name that is ladilla.Its maximum size It is 3 millimeters and is normally located in the pubic area, although they can also appear on any part of the body that has hair.They are much slower in their movements than the head louse and can also be easily seen.sexual contagion and on more rare occasions with the use of infected clothing. The symptoms of the crabs depend on each person, some may notice many discomforts while others may be carriers without realizing it .The best treatment To get rid of them are the special shampoos that you can find in any pharmacy, it is also advisable to wash all the intimate garments or bedding to avoid getting infected again.It is thought that the origin of these kinds of lice is in the ance stros del gorilla.
These lice usually affect mostly birds, although they also attack some mammals such as lemurs, unlike the previous kinds of lice described, it is elongated and not rounded.Something that facilitates its concealment in the wings of all types of birds.To identify that the animal is infected with this kind of louse, we must pay attention to the loss of feathers, weight loss or the restlessness shown by the bird in question.The sensation of irritation caused by these lice, is usually captured very soon. It is not necessary to let this infection pass, since if it is not treated it can cause the death of the animal .
As you could see after reading this article, all kinds of lice are quite contagious and annoying.Really, we can do little to avoid contagion in addition to always trying to have optimal hygiene.If our children or pets become infected, you can always put into practice the solutions that we have mentioned before.Now we would like you to give us your opinion.Do you know any of these kinds of lice described? Did you know that there were so many species of lice that can affect the human being? Have you had any bad experience with these parasites on occasion? Write us your comments, we are looking forward to reading them!
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