The nose performs important breathing tasks and is the main part of the sense of smell, usually we do not have much in mind, only when we have a cold problem or because it is ugly in the face where it is located., in this entry of Science Daily Online, we present the best curiosities about the nose.Don't miss them!
The nose, that great unknown
1.The way Sneezing can have a genetic origin
The way each individual sneezes is unique and can become a differentiating characteristic.The way to sneeze is not only a biological issue, it can also be inherited.It is common for people who belong to the same family to have a similar sneeze.
2.Grows down
When we turn 10, A person's nose has already reached its conclusive form.Instead, it continues to grow in the next 7 years.But if you are a woman.
Over time, the nose grows and falls due to gravity and because the collagen breaks down gradually.
3.Segrega liquid
Every 20 minutes, the nose produces a sticky fluid that keeps it moist and hygienic.The ones in charge of keeping it that way are the cilia, miniature brushes that move the mucus at 6 millimeters per minute.
4.It is an exadapter
The nose is an organ that is chosen for a specific function, but that in a short time can be used for other tasks, for For example, for people who wear glasses it is an essential organ.
5.It connects with memory
Usually, when we perceive an aroma, it automatically leads to a past and emotional memory.This fact has its cause in which the smell is connected directly with the limbic system, the area of the brain that attributes emotions to specific events.
6.What a horrible smell! What is it?
Your nose .It can happen.Sometimes it's your own nasal appliance that smells really bad .This is not a pleasant symptom and is usually linked to an atrophy of the nasal structure, called "Ocena" or "atrophic chronic rhinitis" .A chronic condition whose name has Greek origin and means "stench." But don't worry, if Sometimes it happens to you, you just have to go to a doctor and he will explain how it can be treated, although sometimes it requires surgery.
Did you know some of these curiosities about the nose? Which one did you find most interesting? If you liked it, you can also read "Why does our nose bleed?".
Images: Francisca Ulloa, Pamela Machado, Luis Sarabia.
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