An incredible invention of the human being was created to deal with another terrible invention of the same human being.What do we mean? Bulletproof vests. Do you know how they work? Don't worry, let's check it out!
Bulletproof vests: How do they work?
Bulletproof vests they are often used by those who are dedicated to security, and are intended to protect the body from receiving projectiles.
Its origins may be traced back to the times in which armor and shields were used as protection .However, today's bulletproof vest is designed and designed to disperse the energy of a projectile and keep the user to a minimum or completely cancel them.
Some are made of steel panels, a material that can be really strong and resistant, but which can also be too annoying and heavy to use.In this sense, by di It is easy to believe, ammunition has been created capable of penetrating iron , so over time they have had to create more and better versions of these protective vests to fulfill their mission.
In the most recent inventions of bulletproof vests, elements of great strength and lower weight are used, including ceramics, polyethylene, kevlar and titanium. The lighter versions of the vests Bulletproof are lighter and easier to carry but not as strong or resistant as heavier ones.
In the case of heavy armor, resistant materials are used, but in different layers, what it causes that if a projectile penetrates the vest, the bullet is deformed and diminishes its impact, due to the design as a network that is used in this type of vests.
In the market , you can find several types of bulletproof vests: there are the Bulletproof vests inte rnos , worn under the clothing, which can usually go unnoticed and are often used by public figures; the External bulletproof vests , which as its name says well: they are outside the clothes, fully visible, and are worn by the citizen security bodies, bodyguards or vigilantes, and finally, there are the Tactical bulletproof vests whose main element is high-density ceramics and are used by the armed forces and national security teams of the countries.
There you have it, that's how the vests work bulletproof.What do you think? Don't stop telling us!
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