We are not always lucky enough to work with the ideal partner.The manias of our neighbor in the office may end up getting us mad, then there is the one who is always late, who escapes everything he can… but, Can you imagine working with a psychopath?
If you want to discover it, do not miss the characteristics of psychopaths at work: it is possible that the fellow who falls so badly at the bottom is a psychopath, but it can also be that with which you share coffee and talk every morning.
Without a doubt, sadism is the most characteristic feature of psychopaths at work.Are you scared or motivated? If he is one of the first, he has many numbers of being a psychopath.A good boss, for many workers under his responsibility, should never use fear as an instrument to keep the troops motivated.If he does, the results will be counterproductive, but the psychopath will enjoy it.
Egocentric since childhood...and megalomanos
Another characteristic of psychopaths is their egocentric character, but it is nothing new.From children they probably believed the center of the universe, and it was likely that they were in abuse of the class.Already at that time they would be compulsive liars and thieves, they were attracted to the fire and they might not go to class too much, they had an early sexuality and problems due to vandalism or drug use.Eye: not all young people with these problems are psychopaths, but in them the problem is more common and important.
They believe they are the center of the universe, but they also have the goal of governing it.Have you ever heard a companion assure, convinced at 110%, that he will be next company owner? He has many numbers of being a psychopath.His goals are not realistic, and go far beyond being ambitious, they are practically impossible to achieve, although from his point of view they are viable.
Compulsive liars
We just saw that psychopaths lie since they were little, and work is no exception.They don't care if they get caught because they invented another lie as an alibi, which also makes them great manipulators: if everything goes Well, nothing happens, but when things start to twist they will always look for a third party to blame and get rid of any problem.They are also great conversationalists and dominate the word like nobody else, which makes the dwarf easier.
Vital Philosophy
Of course, they will have no regrets when it comes to signaling to a co-worker of all the problems, nor about the problems that they can cause to their friends, family or companions of I work with his philosophy in life.they want because they are worth it, regardless of what we consider normal, ignoring criticism and advice and dominating at all times those people who have under their orbit.
What, do you have any psychopathic companion? Maybe the psychopath is you, so if you found this article interesting you can take the test to find out if you are a psychopath.
Image: Nathan Marciniak, HannahJoe7, Mr Seb and ernie
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