Biologists say of them that they are the most unpleasant creatures that we can find the ocean.And it is not precisely because of their appearance, that it is not especially adorable, but because of their behavior and their ability to produce a complex slime around it, similar to a thick sludge as repulsive as it is curious.
It feeds -or rather, sucks-corpses that they are in the seabed.It adheres with its very strange mouth very similar to that of the lampreys on the lifeless and rotten body and there it can stay days and days nourishing itself.Happy and satisfied.And what is the name of the creature? Myxinos or "witch fish". Very primitive creatures that also deserve their space in Science Daily Online.
Would you like to know more about Myxinos?
Inhabitants of the seafloor
Our protagonists do not have eyes or jaw.They have a skull, that yes, but not of the spine, something really unusual within the animal world.The fact of not having jaws makes Sometimes they are confused with lampreys and although they belong to the same family, they are somewhat different...
They have two species of horizontal structures provided with teeth, which they use to stick with force on some other animal, usually other worms, although we have to say that the "Myxinos" are ghouls: his favorite piece is the corpses.They enter through some hole in the anim to the dead and "absorbing" and devouring him with calm calm.They usually also have another very skilled strategy to eat these lifeless bodies: they make a knot in their body wrapping the corpse, then they pierce the meat with the tip of his tail while lying with his mouth, they are tasting his piece.
You may be wondering about the size.Should we be scared to see one of these" witch fish "? The truth is that not much, they usually measure about 20 centimeters, but only the smallest ones, because they have seen Myxinos of 127 centimeters. Interesting species that always inhabit the coldest seas and in the depths.
They can have up to five hearts
That's right, "witch fish" usually have a main heart with two chambers, but a lot of these animals with 5 additional hearts: 2 cardinals, 2 flows and one portal. Something really fascinating that makes them worthy of studies for biologists and naturalists, although as we always say in Science Daily Online, We prefer to see every animal in its natural habitat, rather than in a laboratory to be studied.
Tell you also that there exists a There is little controversy around the Myxinos.There are those who do not want to call them "fish", or compare them even less with lampreys. It is said that the lineage of these creatures is very primitive, so old that in fact it is unknown since when they have lived in the beds of our oceans.
Another characteristic of the Myxinos is that they are long, very long, vermiform and capable of exuding large quantities of a species foul-smelling mucus or sticky slime, that allows them to escape quickly when they are trapped.This feature also helps them to be able to enter any cavity, in any hole of the sea floor or other animals to simply feed on them.Another use of such particular and unpleasant slobber , is to cover with them every corpse they find.
They exude their thick drool through the pores of their skin, and cover with it the whole lifeless body they want to feed on.And what do they get with this? that no other carronero approaches that particular piece. As you can see, the "witch fish" will not be precisely one of our favorite animals within marine species, but we cannot stop admiring its particularity.What do you think of it?
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